Monitor Tile Activity

Activity reporting for Tile processes are are available to both the source and the destination Accounts, enabling them to see the history of batches run.

Source Account

For the Tile Account submitting the Data — the Activity Page will show a history

  • Date Loaded
  • Rows Uploaded
  • User that uploaded
  • Colour coded (Successful, Warning, Failed)

The Activity cannot be drilled down or detail involving the loading of data in the Destination Account.


A data submission that does not meet minimum requirements in terms of file type or structure will not be uploaded - or show in the activity page.

Destination Account

For the full license Account receiving the data, the Activity page will show the history with full detail of the batch

  • Date Loaded
  • User that Uploaded
  • Rows Uploaded
  • Colour coded (Successful, Warning, Failed)



  • Detail behind Warning or Failed message.


Use Process thresholds to enforce conditions for a process to succeed or fail.


Now you have your data sharing set up.