Create Process Expressions

Process expressions allow you to use data attributes presented in a source datastore in expressions to build transformations that map to your destination. The syntax for the expressions and available functions are listed in detail in our section on Process Expressions Syntax.

To create a process expression, navigate to a process.

Highlight the process and select Edit Process


Select +Add Expression Column


Name the column that will be represented by an expression.

Enter the expression and click Save


The syntax of the expression will be checked.


The expression can be manually mapped (click on the expression and then the destination column).


Save the process.

Run the process to check that the expression is successful — for example if your source data contains NULLS or empty strings you may need to handle that in the expression.
A detailed guide to the expression editor syntax can be found in the pages on Process Expressions Syntax.

More options working with processes are in the following pages;