Process Expressions Syntax

Control Functions for Activity Log

Where the other functions described will write data to a destination column — control flow —functions are designed to write arbitrary data to the Batch Log, with different levels of severity. In the case of the Error function, this will additionally cause the Batch to abort. These can be used to log specific conditions, monitor the data for specific conditions and generate warnings, or in extreme cases, force the batch to abort before the Write phase has begun if some condition has arisen that you wish to avoid. These functions should be used very carefully. Consider whether the tolerances in Process options can achieve the same result.

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Process Expressions Syntax

Error Handling

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Process Expressions Syntax

Using System Data

System Data is the metadata surrounding an Eightwire Batch and the Process it’s based on. A Batch is the one-time execution of a Process. The Batch does the work, while the Process defines what should be done.

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Video Tutorials

Find our video tutorials here on how to — Install an Agent, Authenticate an Agent, Create a Process, Browse & Edit a Datastore Object, Create an Excel Datastore, Monitor Process Activity, and Share a Datastore. Check out the Eightwire Youtube Channel for more videos.

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Associated Accounts

Create and Associate with Accounts

A full licence account is able to initiate the creation of accounts with a Tile Licence on behalf of other organisations for the purpose of receiving data from them through Tile datashares. The Tile Licence enables organisations to manually submit data or files on an ad-hoc basis without the need for on-boarding or any installation of an Agent. An organisation can obtain a Tile license independently or as an Associated Account created by a Parent Organisation.

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Build Tile Datashares

Tile Datastore Types

A Tile is a cloud datastore, that an Account receiving data builds in their Project. It provides a way for another Account (usually Tile Licence) to manually initiate a share of the data by dragging a file into the Eightwire Tile.

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Build Tile Datashares

Define your Tile Datastores

This page shows you how to create the Tile as a the party receiving the data.

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Build Tile Datashares

Process CSV and Excel Data using Tile

When you have a Tile Datastore set up you need to set map it in a process to a destination before sharing it to your data providers.

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Build Tile Datashares

Process Generic Files using Tile

Once you have a Generic Tile Datastore created, you need to map it in a process to a destination folder Datastore before sharing it with your data providers.

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Build Tile Datashares

Share a Tile Datastore

A Tile Datastore can be shared to a full license Account or to an Associated Tile Licence Account. This is the final step in enabling a Tile Datashare.

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