Create a Process

Create, Map, and Filter a Process

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Create a Process

Create Process Expressions

Process expressions allow you to use data attributes presented in a source datastore in expressions to build transformations that map to your destination. The syntax for the expressions and available functions are listed in detail in our section on Process Expressions Syntax.

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Create a Process

Use Process Constants and System Expressions

System Expressions and Constants are a way to add a column of data to a process, that is independent of the source data. The column can help with audit ability of the processes, for example when you are loading data from multiple sources into a common destination.

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Create a Process

Process Options, Thresholds and Toleration

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Create a Process

Execute a Process

An individual process — from one source to one destination — can be executed manually, or a process group can also be run.

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Create a Process

Process Group Time Schedule

Eightwire allows you to schedule a process execution in the future, and for the processes to repeat. The schedule is applied to a Process Group, ensuring that all processes within the group will be executed.

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Create a Process

Process Event Execution Schedule

The Execution event scheduler allows you to define explicit dependencies for processes. For example you may need to ensure all your source data has been loaded before you begin any processes that transform the data. The execution sequence can be for individual processes across the Project — not confined to a Process Group.

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Create a Process

Monitor Process Activity

When Processes are executing, or have recently finished executing, you can check on their status from within the process page or from the activity page

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Account and Project Alerts

Account Alerts

Configure email notifications for events across your entire Account using Account Alerts. Make sure Agents are online and Datastores and Processes are in operation without needing to log in to Eightwire.

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Account and Project Alerts

Project Alerts

Configure email notifications for events within specific Projects using Project Alerts.. This allows you to be notified about connectivity of Datastores and the execution of Processes without needing to log in to Eightwire.

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