Salesforce Connector

Connecting to your Salesforce Account using an Eightwire datastore enables you to read and write data to standard or custom objects. The Datastore can be used after you setup access using the Salesforce Platform Tools. Once the Datastore is connected it can be shared with another Eightwire Account or used in a process for data transfer.

Salesforce Account Access

In order to connect Eightwire must be created as a connected app using the Salesforce Platform Tools.

Connected App Name ______________

API Name ______________

Contact Email ___________

Check to ‘Enable OAuthSettings’

Enter  Callback URL

Add Full Access to Selected OAuth Scopes

Check ‘Require Secret for Web Server Flow’


Create a Datastore

From the Datastore Page click +New

Name your Datastore and select ‘In the cloud’ and ‘Salesforce’



UserName — User that has access to your Salesforce Account

Password — User Password+SecurityToken

SecretKey — Consumer Secret for the API

AccessKey — Consumer Key for the API

Option — Choose Source or Destination

Region Lock — Select a processing Region (recommended)


Test and Scan the Datastore

Process Types

The following process types are supported;

Source Datastore

  • Read from a Custom Object
  • Read from a Standard Object

Destination Datastore

  • Overwrite to an Standard or Custom Object
  • Append to a Standard or Custom Object
  • Merge New and Changed to a Custom Object