
When mapping Columns in a Process, instead of source data, you may choose to use a derived column. One type of derived column is an expression.

An expression is any mathematical expression, that when evaluated will produce a single value. Expressions may work on numbers, text, dates or any other Eightwire data type.

For example, a simple expression to perform basic arithmetic could be:

(3 * 2) + 7

This would result in the destination column containing the numeric value 13 for each row.

Similarly, functions may be used to manipulate data, such as this one, to give just the first part of a multi-part term:

FirstToken("the quick brown fox")

This would result in the destination column containing the text value ‘the’.

Lastly, system metadata and data from the source table may also be included. This example combines the System Batch ID with the value in the source Key column:

System("Batch.ID") + Data("Key")

This would result in the destination column containing a different value for each row, something like "1055737Jane", "1055737Bob", "1055737Mel", etc.

The following pages show the operators and functions available when using Process Expressions;