Agent Updates

This page shows you how to update an Agent. When Eightwire makes a change that requires an Agent update, we will advise the change by email with at least two weeks notice. If your organisation has users that need to be part of the change distribution list, just drop us a line on support@eight-wire to be included.

You must have local administrator privileges on the computer to configure the installed Agent

Agent - update configuration

Confirm whether your Agent is set to receive automatic updates by checking the update setting in the Eightwire portal on the Agent page.


  • If the Updates checkbox is ticked - then any update will be released to your Agent automatically.
  • If the Updates checkbox is not ticked - then you can apply the update when convenient, using the following steps;

Manually Update the Agent

Log onto the Windows computer where the Agent is installed.

Locate the folder where the Agent is installed. This will likely be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Eight-wire Agent

Click on the Agent Update application and click to allow the application to make changes. You will see if the update has succeeded and what the new version is.

Use any key to exit.



Confirm the update has been successful by checking in the Eightwire portal for the new Agent version number and that the Agent is online.

We recommend that you Authenticate your Agent at least annually
Set up Agent Connectivity Alerts by using Account Alerts